Abstract: the article is devoted to the actual problem of formation of new formations of adolescence, namely the sense of adulthood. Conscious regulation of behavior and activity is laid in adolescence. And here, as a result, there is a violation of the harmonious development of the individual, as the unformed characteristics of a teenager contribute to an aggressive and hostile attitude towards others. Adolescence is characterized by a radical breakdown of previous values, interests and needs. Contradictions of physical and mental formation of a teenager increases the criticality of adolescence. The increasing self-sufficiency and independence of a teenager contributes to unmanageable behavior and associality. And here an adult comes to the rescue, who, by analyzing numerous factors of deviation in personal development, outlines specific types and forms of educational activities with adolescents. Characteristic features of adolescence are manifested in the following: the fight against evil, untruth, the desire to be the best example for others, the orientation to ideals, rejection of teachings and comments from adults, the desire to act independently, lack of understanding of critical life situations. The desire to assert themselves often borders on a cruel and aggressive attitude towards others. Adolescence is characterized by a variety of desires and needs, a great desire for help and advice. But at the same time, a persistent reluctance to address these problems to an adult. Lack of life experience, lack of opportunities also contributes to conflict and hostility in relationships. A favorable environment in the school environment and at home directly depends on the methods of educational work that help to improve the educational process. And here it is important to have a well-established joint work of parents and school employees.
Keywords: adolescent, crisis, sense of adulthood, hostility, aggressiveness, emotional instability, associality, personal development, adolescent groups