Abstract: the article discusses the features of the relationship between the coping resource of a foreign student’s personality and the success of adaptation to learning conditions in a multicultural environment. The relevance of the study is justified by the problem of a sharp increase in the number of foreign students in regional universities due to the new licensing conditions of universities, as well as the onset of a period of quarantine measures as a result of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. The research methodology was based on the application of the experience of scientists from the Kostroma scientific psychological school and the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, which developed effective ways to identify the level of formation of coping behavior of Russian and foreign students by adapting well-established foreign methods (Hobfoll S.E. and others). The results of an empirical study conducted with the participation of students from near and far abroad are rresented; to study the features of the formation of coping resources, forms of coping behavior among foreign students; to identify the features of personality adaptation to the conditions of a difficult life situation; to conduct a study of the presence/absence of a relationship between the features of coping resources and the success of personality adaptation. The obtained results showed that the coping resources of the individual at the student age are in a state of their intensive formation, development, strategies of coping behavior are directly interrelated with the success of adaptation. Foreign students show a high level of adaptation to the new conditions of the educational environment of Russian universities with a small choice of coping strategies, despite the additional difficulties associated with quarantine measures.

Keywords: coping, foreign students, adaptation, coping behavior, coping resource, coping strategies, multicultural education
