Abstract: the analysis of the results of a pilot study to identify the likelihood of the development of endogenous intoxication in 48 women after psychological correction of psychotrauma. It was found that in all women, 3 hours after the evening psychological session, there was an increase in the blood content of medium molecular weight peptides by 72.8 ± 16.5%, and after another 12 hours by 216.4 ± 21.7%, compared with the results before its implementation, which were considered as normative (100%). At the same time, 40 (83.3 ± 5.4%) people had both psychological (emotional lability, lethargy, lack of focus, tearfulness, emptiness, aggression) and clinical (somatic) symptoms (lethargy, apathy, headaches, drowsiness , tachycardia, dry mouth and thirst) endotoxicosis. In our opinion, the pathogenesis of this phenomenon was based on the fact that, against the background of psychological stress, the activation of the sympatho-adrenal system and suppression of emotional arousal occurs, under conditions of peripheral angiospasm at the organismal level, systemic peripheral hypoxia does not develop and anaerobic catabolism becomes a priority, with the formation of neurotoxins, some of which are deposited in the body. At the same time, a stagnant suppressed focus of arousal associated with psychotrauma is formed in the central nervous system against the background of continuous exposure to psychological stressors that led to psychotrauma. During the psychological correction of post-traumatic stress disorder, accompanied by an intense emotional reaction, a stagnant focus of arousal is activated, which plays the role of a trigger for a fight-flight response at the body level. In turn, this leads to the activation and release of neurotoxins from the depot, which in the post-correction period are accompanied by the phenomena of endogenous intoxication, including neurointoxication. It is advisable to continue research in this direction.

Keywords: psychological stress, psychotrauma, psychocorrection, neurointoxication, fight-flight strategy, freezing strategy, suppressed emotions
