Abstract: in the article, based on the fundamental provisions of the doctrine of the dominant of A.A. Ukhtomsky, the theory of functional systems of PK by Anokhin, the doctrine of the general adaptation syndrome H Selye and the patterns of endogenization of pathological processes, the concept of pathogenetic features of weight gain and the development of obesity during prolonged psychological stress was substantiated. Under the influence of psychological stress against the background of the intensive regulatory function of the central nervous system, its need for glucose increases sharply.This, in turn, due to anticipation, is accompanied by a change in eating behavior towards the consumption of high-calorie food to replenish the demands of the central nervous system in the energy substrate. In this case, there is a differentiation of energy consumption depending on the time of day and the intensity of the load on the central nervous system. Accordingly, due to changes in eating behavior and limited synthesis of carbohydrates only within the framework of replenishment of consumption, the excess of nutrients is transformed into high-calorie lipids, which are deposited in adipocytes. The accumulation of lipids in adipocytes, on the one hand, leads to a decrease in their level in the blood, and on the other hand, it contributes to the endogenization of the pathological process, namely.

Keywords: psychological stress, alimentary obesity, central nervous system, eating behavior, adipocytes, lifestyle
