Abstract: an assessment of the change in the psychological state of 50 female students of the 1st year of medical college was carried out before the preliminary testing and on the eve of the exam. All students considered in this work gave written informed consent to participate in the study. Depending on the correction of the psychoemotional state, 2 groups were formed. Group I consisted of 25 students who were not corrected for their psychoemotional state. In group II, 25 students after preliminary testing for 2 days 2 times a day underwent correction of the psychoemotional state, including a combination of breathing exercises against the background of overloading of the input channels of the representative systems (IAC) and DPDG, after which cognitive-behavioral correction was used. The criteria for analysis were changes in the results of Spielberger-Khanin tests for situational anxiety and SAN. It was established that against the background of higher situational anxiety (Spilberger-Khanin test), which reflects the psycho-emotional state that increased before the exam, in comparison with the results recorded on the eve of the preliminary test, depletion of the central nervous system is noted, which is confirmed by the dynamics of the SAN test results. Thus, the obtained results coincide with the assessment of exam stress as a structural phenomenon with a dominant position of psychoemotional stress over the information factor.
Keywords: exam stress, preliminary testing, exam, situational anxiety, SAN test, psychocorrection