Abstract: the article deals with different models of life of children left without parental care in Russia and abroad. Substitute families, both in Russia and abroad, are classified by their legal status into non-professional and professional. In each society, a certain culture of relationships and interactions between parents and children is formed, social stereotypes, certain attitudes and views on family upbringing arise, and it is hardly an exaggeration to say that a civilized society is determined not only by its attitude towards women, but also by its attitude towards children. The attention to large substitute families in modern science is explained by the fact that in the conditions of a deepening socio-economic crisis and spiritual and psychological shock, they occupy one of the first places among other injured categories. Such families in their essence contribute to the realization of personal and social needs. The family provides the child with not only optimal opportunities for the formation of personality, but it also naturally introduces him into constantly expanding social relations, creates the prerequisites for entering an independent life. Domestic experts identify six stages of formation and development of the replacement family as a system. As one of the most serious problems of functioning of the replacement family, regardless of its type, both foreign and domestic authors highlight the relationship with the blood, biological parents and relatives of the child. Unlike Western countries, where the institution of foster family is actively developing and successfully operates for more than a hundred years, the process of its formation in our country is constrained by a number of objective and subjective factors.
Keywords: substitute family, foster family, adoption, custody, guardianship, foster child, kinship custody