Abstract: a randomized study was conducted in which 160 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) of FC 2 and 3 were included. The study showed that the inclusion in the basic therapy of modern methods of sanatorium-resort cardiorehabilitation, based on ozone therapy, insufflation carboxytherapy, dry carbon dioxide baths and LILR therapy, improves hemodynamic functions and cardiointervalography, which is subjectively accompanied by relief of cardiac pain syndrome, normalization of heart rate and blood pressure. The evidence base of the study suggests that the use of the above methods of cardiorehabilitation in sanatorium conditions not only increases the functional reserves of the myocardium, but also potentiates the reduction of risk factors for the progression of cardiovascular disease [8]. In the conditions of the sanatorium-resort complex, the use of hardware cardioreabilitation provides the correct dosage of drugs, as evidenced by the normalization and a positive trend in the shift of indicators of antioxidant protection in persons with coronary artery disease. The presented cardiorehabilitation complexes, including: laser therapy, insufflation carboxytherapy, carbon dioxide baths and ozone-containing hardware methods of exposure in patients with coronary artery disease, can improve the effectiveness of treatment, reduce the level of risk factors, prevent the development of cardiac attacks and lability of blood pressure [7].
Keywords: ozone therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, patients with coronary artery disease, antioxidant protection, insufflation carboxytherapy, dry carbon dioxide baths, laser radiation