Abstract: the article shows that the effective solution of the educational council was the issues related to the qualitative selection of candidates from among those sentenced to parole. The effectiveness of the teaching and educational council is directly related to the quality of preparation of the planned activities. The analysis showed that institutions approach this issue in different ways. In a number of colonies, information about the meetings of the educational council and the decisions taken was broadcast on radio and cable television. The effectiveness of the work of the educational and upbringing council is evidenced by the statistics of transfers of convicts to preferential conditions for serving their sentences. The annual increase in the number of convicts transferred to preferential terms of serving sentences is associated with a decrease in their total number.
This allowed the staff to conduct targeted work with each convict, applying an individual approach, based on the results of a thorough study of his personality. The ideas discussed by the members of the Council about the transfer of convicts from one conditions of serving sentences to others are of a comprehensive, independent and objective nature. That is, each member of the educational and upbringing council, characterizing the convict, expresses his opinion about the possibility of his transfer to certain conditions of serving his sentence. The small number of convicts who committed violations and transferred back from preferential to ordinary conditions of serving their sentences testifies to the careful selection of candidates for the transfer of convicts by the members of the Council. The wording of the activities included in the work plans of the educational council, in most cases, were of a general, informational nature. In order to improve the work of the educational council, materials of an analytical and methodological nature were discussed at the meetings. The staff methodologists of the colony, who are part of the educational and upbrining council, performed a significant amount of work: they were doing office work, planning work, preparing materials for the meetings of the Council.
Keywords: meeting, effective decision, educational council, educational colony, quality selection, convict