Abstract: infant cerebral palsy (ICP) is a fairly common group of disorders of the development of movement and posture, often recorded in childhood. Cerebral palsy has a significant impact on the motor activity of the child, his psychomotor development and quality of life. The main principles of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy are: early start of rehabilitation measures, continuity, comprehensiveness, individualization of the rehabilitation program, staging, social orientation, the use of effectiveness monitoring methods. In clinical practice, a comprehensive approach to the treatment of this pathology is carried out, including the implementation of medical and rehabilitation measures (drug treatment, the use of physical rehabilitation methods (physiotherapy, massage, mechanotherapy, physiotherapy), orthosis therapy, psychological and pedagogical and speech therapy correction, psychotherapy, occupational therapy with elements of career guidance. The search for promising methods of treatment for this pathology is one of the urgent tasks of practical health care. Nikonov N.B. presents a set of manual techniques by which muscle cells restore renewal processes and excrete products of vital activity.The author proposed the development of this method based on his theory of the occurrence of cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia: the existence of muscle cell cytoplasm in a gel form, which prevents normal movement of ATP molecules and the actin-myosin complex to ensure normal muscle cell stretching. When exposed to a muscle cell by N.B. Nikonov’s method the movement of the cytoplasm inside the muscle cells is restored, protein conglomerates from dense become softer, which dissolve more easily in lysosomes. As a result of these processes, edema of the muscle cell is eliminated, its size is reduced, the cytoplasm goes into a more fluid state, which ensures normal muscle movement.

Keywords: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, N.B. Nikonov’s method, actin, little finger, cytoplasm
