Abstract: analyzing the original sources and the classics of psychological literature, the authors conclude that, until the 20th century, the studies of psychological communication in our country and abroad were generally unsystematic. And only in recent years, interest in them has increased significantly. This analysis on the problem of communication in education was carried out based on similar data obtained on the basis of Dagestan educational institutions, which made it possible to identify five models of training work, which included: a characterological assessment of the psychological communication of the “teacher-student” link. This model is purely estimated-ascertaining in its own psychological context and does not contain any regulatory influence on the optimization and increase of the effectiveness of communication in education, either from the point of view of the communicative impact on the subject of communication, or interaction with them on principles of the same dialogue. Observation of psychological characteristics of individuals communicating in the course of the educational process. Here, essentially the same thing occurs in its functional sense as in the first model, only in a wider range. With regard to the subject side of the problem of communication in learning, this model is not activated. Regarding the next model – structural, the essence of which is to find the best means of “technization” of student learning. Authors of the training offer to consider “psychological technology”. Verbalization of psychological contact in training in this model is assigned a secondary role. Thus, training, designed according to the principle of a model, with its control and measuring material and assessment and control matrices of the formation of a communicative skill, can act as a method of correction and diagnosis.

Keywords: model, instrumentation technology, assessment of formation, competence, competence matrix, psychological correction, psychological diagnostics, convergence, personality
