Abstract: the article is devoted to the actual problem of studying and analyzing the existing practice of professional training of future psychologists in educational institutions of Russia. High school today is faced with the difficulty of combining the categories of the FSES in psychological and pedagogical education and the Professional Standard of teacher-psychologist (“Psychologist in education”) their formation in the mode of group work in the audience. From this task, a fundamental contradiction arises, to which the teacher of our school is not ready. It is necessary to apply modern psychological knowledge effectively in teaching practice.The model of professional competencies embedded in new federal standards leads to an increase in the role of a safe educational environment within the Russian Federation.

The process of developing the foundation of civil society is based on the dominance of the rule of law and citizenship of the formation of a free personality of a new level.

The ideas of freedom and the exercise of the rights of citizens proclaimed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation are designed to secure the development and formation of the personality. Mental health safety is at the core of every other human security.

The professional standard “Psychologist in Education”, in which the subject of the research is a solid scientific-theoretical and practical complex, the development of which is an essential part of training a specialist in facts and psychological schools of the country. This is the main branch of psychology, the study of which is aimed at providing future psychologists with knowledge and skills in the area of basic human rights, psychology of life, property rights, psychology of the integrity, honor and dignity of the individual, protection of citizens from overload and ensuring the integrity of social foundations and the foundations of society.

The authors conclude that mixing the tasks of higher education leads not only to discomfort of the curriculum, to uncertainty and confusion of plans for the development of professional qualities, but also destroys the boundaries of personal security. Effective training of a future psychologist can be one of the elements of the security system of the Russian Federation, as the range of their professional tasks includes a very important “examination of the educational environment.”

The authors are trying to find innovative pedagogical techniques for vocational training and to avoid contradictions of educational and methodological nature.

Keywords: information security, psychological readiness, professional activity, professional standard, the future psychologist
