Abstract: the relevance of the topic is due to an increase in the number of confrontations of a modern person with situations of uncertainty, as a result of which the risk of an individual falling into various states that can harm not only his mental and physical health, but also the well-being of others is increased. Studies of uncertainty, situations associated with it, as well as methods and strategies for coping with these situations, to date, took shape in an independent direction in modern psychological science. The problems of this study are that the topic is of universal and everyday importance, in connection with the possibility of preventing mass conditions that adversely affect the life and health of mankind.

The aim of the study is to identify trends in the correlation of gender individual-personality characteristics and coping strategies in situations of uncertainty. The following methods were used in the study: comparative, systemic and structural analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, methods of generalization and systematization, logical, induction and deduction, as well as the following methods: D.A. Leont’ev’s test of life-meaning orientations (LMO) and the methodology for diagnosing stress-coping behavior of D. Amirkhan. In the article, we prove that the choice of coping strategies depends on gender, and gender individual – personal characteristics, in turn, influence the choice of coping strategies in situations of uncertainty.

The main conclusions of the article can be used in the development of teaching aids in the work of psychological services of various profiles, to increase the prognostic validity of assessing the choice of coping strategies within the framework of psychological support for students.

Keywords: individual-personal characteristics, gender, situation of uncertainty, strategy, coping
